Saturday, 23 June 2018

Back up your data!

Earlier this month, my laptop died on me. No warning. Just died. It was one month shy of its fifth birthday, and I was expecting to replace it this year anyway, but a little indication that it was on its way out would've been nice!

I'd backed up my files properly several weeks ago onto an external hard drive and several USB sticks, after having learnt my lesson several computers ago. That one stopped working and it had been months since I'd done a back up. Thankfully, the hard drive was rescued, and I was able to retrieve all I thought I'd lost. Since then, I back up regularly. Another top tip is to email yourself the documents you've been working on that day.

I was able to rescue my previous laptop's hard drive which I've put into a hard drive enclosure and can use that for additional storage too. All that remains for me to do is get to grips with my new laptop - which is a good a time as any to housekeep my files!

Have you had any heartstopping moments when you thought you'd lost all your data?


  1. omg that's terrifying! I always email myself my file after I've done anything to it and have a folder in my inbox for WIPS along with using the google drive. I learned from art school, especially when Adobe has a habit of crashing during all nighters lol

    1. Yes, I use Google Drive as well. (Me - paranoid much? Lol!)
