Friday, 4 January 2019

How many books did I read in 2018?

Tiverton Library
Time for my annual round-up of the books I've read in the previous year!

Once again I concentrated on clearing my huge TBR pile and read a whopping 101 books of my own this year, 46 of which were e-books (I was determined to make a dent in that particular pile). I borrowed a book from a friend, plus twelve from libraries and also did three beta reads, bringing my grand total to 117 books for 2018. Very respectable!

I didn't get in many visits to libraries this year as I have in previous years, but I was able to add a new one to my 'collection' - Tiverton Library - when I visited friends in Devon in September.

I still have quite a few books left in my TBR pile (& several more I have my eye on to buy), so I'll concentrate on clearing those once again for 2019.

How about you? How many books did you read in 2018?