Saturday, 23 September 2017

Oh, autumn, how I've missed you!

Autumn leaves and squirrel stocking up on supplies
This time last year I was visiting my sister and her family in Australia, so I missed out on my favourite season - autumn! I love the colours of the falling leaves, the early morning mists and the slight nip in the air. I always feel more inspired, more creative and more writerly when the nights start drawing in.

I finished my latest WIP about a third of the way through August - yay! - and it clocked in at 68,500 words in the end. It's best to get some distance from the novel before starting on revisions, so I've taken a break from writing for the last month or so and have been catching up on my TBR pile (I've read quite a few books, but have still barely dented the pile - oops!). Now that autumn's crackling in, though, I shall hunker down and get serious about starting the next draft.

How about you? Do you feel more creative in the autumn?